There has been no change in the overall delicate situation of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in the year 2024. Rather, the situation, as a whole, has taken worse shape further. No advancement has so far been made in the implementation process of the CHT Accord of 1997 throughout the year 2024. On the contrary, the programs designed as counter-productive to the Accord and interest of the Jumma people have gotten escalated to further extent. The most brutal and hair-raising events that have ear-marked the year 2024 comprise communal attacks, arson and killings on Jumma people in September and burning down of 17 houses of Tripura in December. The barbaric communal attacks occurred no sooner the Interim Government led by Dr. Yunus ascended to the state power. Likewise, the cases with the preceding communal attacks, none of the culprits involved in the attacks has been brought under the law and proper justice in the incident was not ensured.
As a result of anti-discrimination student-mass movement, the Hasina-led Awami League government met its downfall on 5 August 2024 and the Yunus-led Interim Government was formed on 8 August 2024. The main spirit of the mass coup was to put an end to the discriminatory management and to bring in a reform in the state system. The Interim Government has constituted 11 Reform Commissions, as the part of that state reformation. But it is regrettable that in the case with CHT, no change has been brought in the state policy of anti-Accord and anti-interest of the Jumma people. Consequently, likewise that of the periods under the preceding governments, as also during the time of the present Interim Government, the suppressive and regressive measures that include: atrocities upon the Jumma people, illegal land occupation and eviction, organized communal attacks with arson, infiltration of outsiders, criminalization of the Jumma people involved in the movement for Accord implementation by terming them as ‘terrorists’, ‘separatists’, ‘illegal arms holders’ and violence against women and girls, etc. anti-human acts are on the run unabatedly. As a result, the Jumma people of the CHT are being forced to live in extreme uncertainty, fear, and insecurity under the interim government.
The year 2024 has witnessed 200 incidents of human rights violations wherein 6,055 Jumma people fell prey to human rights violations perpetrated by the security forces, law & order forces deputed in CHT, the army-sponsored terrorist groups, communal and fundamentalist quarters, Muslim Bengali settlers and the land grabbers. In these incidents, 21 Jummas were killed and 119 houses and shops were burned and looted. Besides, 2,314 acres of land have been occupied by the outsider company, influential persons and Muslim settlers.
Implementation of the CHT Accord
Apart from the 9th meeting of the CHT Accord Implementation and Monitoring Committee held on 30 April 2024 at Parliamentary House during the Hasina-led government, no initiative has been taken towards implementation of the Accord. The issues discussed and resolved during the session, among others, include: framing up Rules of the CHT Land Dispute Resolution Commission and to devolve the Land & Land Management subject to the Hill District Councils through an executive order; formation of a Committee on devolvement of subjects to the Hill District Councils; cancellation of setting up APBN camps in the army camp sites already withdrawn; KNF activities in Bandarban, etc. But no headway has been made in implementation of the decisions taken.
As though it passes more than 4 months following formation of Dr. Yunus-led Interim Government, no initiative has been undertaken towards implementation of the Accord. On the contrary, having the Hill District Council Act violated, the Chief Executive Officers were illegally appointed as the Administrators of the Councils, for a short period of time. On the other hand, during re-organization of the Interim Hill District Councils, the settlers coming from outside CHT were appointed as the members of the Councils, the move of which is a direct violation of the CHT Accord.
In fact, 27 years have passed since the signing of the CHT Accord, but two-third provisions of the Accord including the core issues remain unimplemented. Due to the non-implementation of the CHT Accord, a political and peaceful solution to the CHT problem has not been achieved, rather the state machineries have intensified the steamroller of discrimination and deprivation on the indigenous Jumma people. In place of effort for political and peaceful solution of the CHT crisis through implementation of the Accord, the solution policy through wide-scale militarization and fascist way of regression and suppression has remained effective as to this day.
Communal Attacks, Arson and Killings:
Even after changing of authority in the state power in August, throughout the country including in the CHT, the incidents of communal attacks upon religious and ethnic minorities, vandalizing temples, setting fire in the houses and business centers and plundering, brutal killings, picking up, etc. are on the run continuously. On the other end, having incited the Muslim settlers and ultra-nationalist and communal quarters under the banners titled: ‘Anti-Discrimination Bengalee Students Movement’ and ‘Parbatya Chattagram Nagorik Parishad’, the communal-line intensity has been escalated to further extent. In addition, the 9-member militants arrested earlier in Thanchi for being belonged to the Islamic militant organization named: Jamatul Ansar Fil Hindal Sharkkiya, was released on bail from the Cox’s Bazaar Judge and Session Judge Court in last November.
One of the communal attacks upon the Jumma people in CHT were on last 18-20 September 2024 in Dighinala, Khagrachhari Sadar and Rangamati Sadar while the other one in Khagrachhari Sadar on 1 October 2024. During the attacks, 4 persons namely, Dhana Ranjan Chakma (52), Junan Chakma (20), Rubel Tripura (30) and Anik Kumar Chakma (18) were brutally killed by the attackers Muslim Bengali settlers under defensive coverage of the administration and security forces while more than one hundred Jumma people were wounded. More than hundred houses, shops and business installations of the Jumma people were blazed. Before setting fire, the houses and shops were plundered. Besides, Moitree Vihara, the Buddhist shrine was looted and vandalized. The CHT Regional Council office was attacked and 10 vehicles were burnt to ashes. The ground floor of the office was also set in fire.
After signing of the CHT Accord in 1997, the post-accord period has witnessed 21 numbers of communal attacks including the communal attacks perpetrated in September-October 2024 under patronization of the state security forces. The main aim of such communal attacks is to turn the non-Muslim CHT into a Muslim-inhabited region and to that end, to cripple the economy of the Jumma people; to occupy their lands forcibly; and to evict the Jumma people from their traditional and ancestral lands. Nobody involved in the said communal attacks has been brought under the law as it has been the case with the foregone communal attacks. It is just for the name sake, as though 3 to 4 persons have been shown arrested in connection with the murder case filed by Adarsen Chakma, father of the deceased Anik Kumar Chakma with the Kotwali Police Station and in the setting fire and vandalizing case filed by the CHT Regional Council, the main culprits have remained out of the reach of law & order management system.
As though a 7-member investigation Committee headed by one Additional Divisional Commissioner (Development) was formed on part of the administration, the report of the Committee has not yet been made public. On the other end, though the demand for judicial investigation was raised by various quarters including the PCJSS, no initiative has been taken on government’s part. Since, as the culture of holding no trial exists, the incidents of communal attacks, arson and looting continue to happen in CHT.
Army campaign, searching of houses, jailing and killings:
The year 2024 has ear-marked 119 incidents of human rights violations committed by the security forces and law & order forces and at least 5,655 people wherein 5,000 the Bawm community alone and, 1,321 families including 1000 Bawm families at the least and the villagers of 94 villages including 47 Bawm villages have fallen prey to human rights violations. Of them, 20 people including 16 Bawm people have been killed; 143 people have been entangled in fabricated cases; 28 people have been detained; prevention from cultivating Jum and plantations and damage have been brought to 42 families; the border road construction has claimed 242 families lifting damage; and 20 villages have been ordered to submit their family information with photographs.
From among the other incidents, construction of 16 army camps and 1 new temporary BGB camp in Rowangchari, Ruma and Thanchi of Bandarban Hill District comes to be prominence on plea of counter military measures against KNF and Islamic militant group while violating the CHT Accord. In July 2024, the indigenous Bawm people of Ruma Upazila had to lift a damage amounting to several millions of BDT due to imposition of embargo on selling of their pineapples including transportation of heaves of pineapples already sold. In May, Ato Mong Marma, Union Council Chairman of Borthali Union was killed in bullet shooting committed by the miscreants of the then ruling Awami League. During construction of Rajasthali-Bilaichari-Jurachari link-road under Rangamati Hill District, from Gachban Para and Thum Para villages located on the boundary line of Jurachari and Bilaichari, 23 Jumma families have been evicted while 17 families have been prevented from practicing traditional Jum cultivation by the 26 Engineering Construction Battalion under 34 Engineering Construction Brigade of Bangladesh army in March 2024. The army have taken initiative to evict the villages only with a view to establishing Tourism Centers.
It is through some special quarters of the government, having organized one after another armed terrorist groups on ‘divide & rule’ colonial line encompassing the unruly individuals, opportunists and ambitious fellows from among the Jumma communities and having them deployed openly at various locations, the army have been inciting those elements against the on-going movement with demand for implementation of the Accord. It is from among these elements, 44 incidents have been perpetrated by the Mog Party, Bawm Party (KNF) and the UPDF (Prasit) and in those incidents, 174 innocent people and inhabitants of 36 villages fell prey to human rights violations. The incidents of human rights violations committed by those armed terrorists include: kidnapping, realization of ransom, beating, killing, causing bullet injury, searching, threatening of life, snatching poultry and cattle, money and cell phones, extortion, etc.
From among the incidents perpetrated by the army-created armed terrorist groups, the most reckonable ones committed by KNF on 3 and 4 April 2024 were: looting of 2 Banks and looting of 14 weapons from the law & order forces in Ruma and Thanchi Upazila towns. In addition, centering these incidents, the army-led joint force unleashed terrible atrocities upon the innocent Bawm people including women, children and pregnant women on plea of military campaign against the KNF, involving irrespective picking up, physical torture, arrest and sending to jail and most significantly cold-brain killing by shooting in the head terming as KNF members. As of this day, 16 Bawm people including 1 child have been killed by shooting and 111 innocent Bawm people (including some Tripura ethnic people) have been taken arrested.
In August 2024, the UPDF (Prasit) conducted attacks in Rangamati town. At least 18 people were injured while 2 female students were kidnapped. Later on, in the face of mass pressure, the UPDF had to release those female students after meting out inhuman physical torture upon them. At Majolong of Baghaichari Upazila, 4 villagers belonging to Tripura ethnic community were severely beaten up and threatened for life by the anti-Accord UPDF members in December 2024. On the other hand, in a surprise attack by the UPDF, 3 innocent Jumma people were kidnapped; 6-7 persons were severely beaten up and cell phones were snatched away from 50–60 persons.
On the other end, Adu Mong Marma (50), Chairman of Bangalhalia Union Council under Rajasthali Upazila was kidnapped by the army-blessed Mog Party terrorists in August 2024 and he was released after realization of a ransom amounting to 5.0 million Taka. No effective measure was undertaken on part of the administration against the Mog Party terrorists.
Illegal Land occupation, Eviction and Infiltration
The year 2024 witnessed 25 incidents committed by the settlers and land grabbers. The incidents caused 210 Jummas to become victims of human rights violations, 119 houses and shops have been burnt to ashes and 2,314 acres of lands went under illegal occupation. Some of the worth-mentioning incidents have been cited below:-
Fresh exodus of the Rohingyas of Arakan took place when they crossed the border line through the jungle and by boat in Alikadam Upazila under Bandarban hill district. They infiltrated in Alikadam with the help of some human traffickers in exchange of money. On the other, the Muslim settlers tried to carry out conspiracy against CHT Regulation of 1900 to be declared the law as ‘Dead’ or made ‘Dysfunctional’ during the period of deposed AL government.
In Soroi Union of Alikadam Upazila under Bandarban hill district, several hundred acres of recorded and already occupied lands belonging to the local Jumma and Bengali people were illegally occupied and registered in the names of wife and relatives of Tajul Islam, former Local Government Minister of Awami League government. At present, as though Tajul Islam is absconding, his men are guarding the lands with arms and preventing both the Jumma and Bengali people from walking to and working in their own lands. On 20 November 2024, the miscreants of Tajul Islam conducted attack upon the local Jumma and Bengali villagers in Tongjhiri area of Soroi Union. No action has been taken on the part of administration against those incidents. On the night of Christmas day December 25, the houses of 17 Tripura families in Lama’s Sarai Union in Bandarban were burnt down by land grabbers with the aim of grabbing land.
In Sualok of Bandarban and Duluchari of Alikadam, hundred acres of lands exist in the names of wife and daughter of Benazir Ahmed, the former Inspector General of Bangladesh Police. Once, poor and helpless people used to live in those lands, but they were made to sell their lands at nominal price under tricky and coercive policy. On the other side, an effort is undergoing to occupy 1,700 acres of lands by one outsider Group Company named CDTO-CRCCII-CCECC-ERECBL CONSORTIUM in the name of establishing a Solar Power Plant by means of resorting to counterfeited signature and certification of the local Headman. Thus how the influential individuals are involved in the process of illegal land occupation and getting the Jumma people evicted from their own lands under connivance of the local administration.
Sexual assault, violence, raping and killing
The year 2024 has the records of 12 sexual violence against Jumma women and girls by the Muslim settlers and in these incidents, 16 Jumma women and girls were victims of violence. Although some of the accused were arrested in these incidents, due to weak charges and the weak role of the police, the accused were released from jail on bail a few days after their arrest. Hence, no person involved in such incidents has hitherto brought under the law and awarded punishment accordingly. It is for the culture of immunity from judicial action, incidents of sexual violations upon the Jumma women and children have been continuing to happen in the hills of CHT.
On April 23, 2024, Rangamati Senior Judicial Magistrate’s Court, Magistrate Fatema Begum Mukta, finally ordered the dismissal of the much-discussed Kalpana Chakma kidnapping case. The court ordered the closure of the case after the final report given by the police failed to provide any trace of the kidnapped Kalpana and to arrest the kidnappers and give exemplary punishment, and rejected the plaintiff’s angry plea on the report. Even after the case has been going on for almost 28 years, the failure of the Rangamati administration and judiciary to provide any trace of the kidnapped Kalpana and to arrest the accused, army Lieutenant Ferdous and VDP members Nurul Haque and Saleh Ahmed, and to give proper trial is nothing but an extreme example of the lack of justice prevailing in the CHT.