Report on Communal Attacks in Khagrachari, Dighinala and Rangamati on 18, 19 and 20 September 2024
Incidents of communal attacks and setting fire on the Jumma-people-run business institutions and houses including the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Regional Council office were perpetrated by the Bengali settlers in Khagrachari Sadar and Dighinala on 18–19 September 2024 and in Rangamati Sadar on 20 September 2024. The communal attacks claimed 4 souls of Jumma people of whom 1 was killed by the Bengali settlers in Dighinala, 2 were killed in army firing in Khagrachari Sadar and 1 was killed by the Bengali settlers in Rangamati Sadar. Besides, during the communal attacks, more than hundreds of Jumma people sustained fatal injuries while over 100 houses and shops belonged to the Jumma people including CHT Regional Council office were burnt to ashes and looted.
Beginning of the incidents:
On 18 September 2024, one Bengali settler named Md. Mamun (40) managed to steal a motor bike belonged to one Goldi Chakma from Madhupur area and was fleeing at its speed. But within seconds, the motor bike hit the electric-line pole by the roadside with speed for which Md. Mamun, the thief, fell down from the bike received serious injuries. In no time, the mob of Bengali and Jumma people around while shouting ‘There goes the thief’, caught and beat him. Consequently, Md. Mamun got senseless. Later on, while taken to hospital, the doctors declared Mamun to be dead.
The police and more than one reliable sources affirmed the bike remover Md. Mamun to have been a professional thief. The local police station has 17 on-going cases against Mamun. Of them, 14 are cases of theft and 3 are cases of drug trafficking. Moreover, on 19 September 2024, Mukta Akhtar, wife of deceased Mamun, filed a murder case with Khagrachari Police Station against 3 Bengali settlers as the prime accused, namely, (1) Mohammad Shakil (27), s/o Abdul Mannan, Shalbon (Shapla More), Khagrachari Sadar, (2) Rafikul Alam (55), s/o late Obaidul Haque, Pankhaiyapara, Khagrachari Sadar and (3) DidarulAlam (50) s/o Obaidul Haque, Pankhaiyapara.
But soon after the death of Md. Mamun, the Bengali settlers went on spreading provocative speeches and propagating that it was the Jumma people who had killed Mamun deliberately. On 18 September 2024, while spreading ill propagation, the Bengali settlers tried to attack in Madhupur. Afterward, the communal attacks were conducted in Dighinala and Khagrachari on 19 September 2024 and in Rangamati Sadar on 20 September 2024.
Attack attempted at Madhupur of Khagrachari:
Following death of Md. Mamun on 18 September 2024, the Bengali settlers attempted to attack Madhupur of Khagrachari since the evening. During this hours, hundreds of Bengali settlers from Hospital and Shalbon areas attempted to invade Jumma houses in Madhupur of Khagrachari town. But at certain phase, the Bengali settlers had to move back in the face of organized resistance of the Jumma people.
Attack in Dighinala:
On 19 September 2024 at around 4 p.m. the Bengali settlers organized a rally and gathering under the banner titled: Bengali Students Council in Dighinala Sadar amidst provocative utterances on communal line. Towards the end of their event, the Bengali settlers attacked the Jumma people with sticks, bats and with pelting stones. During the attack, one Ripuye Chakma got a stone strike in his forehead.
In order to save own men who came under attack, as the other Jumma people available in and around ran in a mob while giving out a cry “Advance! Advance!” the Bengali settlers began to move back and right at that moment, a troop of army rushed there and gave a chase to the Jumma people and drove them away. The army men told the Jumma people: “Hey you! Go away; nothing will happen. We are here to oversee. If you stay here, the situation will get heated.”
As the Jumma people went away, the Bengali settlers equipped with fatal weapons came to Dighinala Sadar after few minutes. It was approximately 5:00 pm, the Bengali settlers came to Battala Larma Square and set fire on the shops of Station Bazar in front of the army. This arson attack claimed at least 52 shops and houses, 24 numbers of motor bikes and Auto Rickshaws totally burnt down. It is estimated that the total amount of Jumma people’s wealth approximately worth of BDT 5 crore was blazed. At that time, the army personnel played the role of silent spectators.
Afterwards, the Bengali settlers attempted to attack the College Tilla and Babu Para villages located in Dighinala sadar. By then, the Jumma villagers offered an organized resistance to the invading Bengali settlers. The Bengali settlers tried to attack and set fire till almost 9:00 pm.
During the resistance in Bridge area, one Dhana Ranjan Chakma (52), son of Handara Chakma of Udol Bagan received critical injuries and died. There is an allegation against the attackers to have cut Dhana Ranjan Chakma’s artery veins of hands and legs. By that time, at least 4 Jumma people were injured in the attack by the settlers and beating by the army in Dighinala at the resisting Jumma mob.
Army fire in Khagrachari Sadar:
In protest against the communal attack in Dighinala and to protect the villages, a group of Jumma youth students amalgamated at Swanirbhar and Narankheya areas at around 6:30 pm on 19 September 2024. Right at that moment, several groups of army appeared there. The UPDF (United Peoples Democratic Front) sent a group of students from Gachban and Perachara to protect Ananta Master Para (village). As a result, both the students and army came to a face-to-face position having a little gap in between. This led to hot exchange of arguments and counter-arguments between the two ends that turned the situation tensed.
Towards 11:00 pm, an army vehicle from the Cantonment was on the way to Swanirbhar area. The youth students coming from Gachban and Perachara blocked the vehicle on the road. They got involved in hot exchanges with the army. The youth students used catapult against the army. At certain stage, the army opened fire at them. At this, 20 Jumma students were seriously wounded, some sustained bullet injuries at abdomen level while some others received bullet injuries in their knees and feet. At least 2 persons from among the wounded were sent to Chittagong Hospital.
Of them, 2 students were killed in bullet hitting shot by the army at Swanirbhar area. The killed 2 persons were: (1) Junan Chakma (20), s/o Rupayan Chakma, Address: Jamtala, Khagrachari Sadar. He was a HSC candidate from Panchari College, (2) Rubel Tripura (30), s/o Gargaja Moni Tripura, Address: Paltanjoy Para, Perachara, Khagrachari Sadar.
Attacks in Rangamati Sadar:
Around 10:00 am of the 20th September 2024, with an initiative of the Jumma indigenous Youth Students, a rally under the banner titled: “Anti-conflict and Anti-discrimination Hill Students Movement” took to street in protest against the communal attacks upon the Jumma people in Khagrachari and Dighinala on 19 September 2024.
When the procession started from Rangamati Gymnasium premises and reached the Rajbari Petrol Pump area, a group of agitated marchers tried to break the vehicle of Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Kotwali Police Station. When the procession reached Happy More, the marchers chased some Bengalis standing there. When the procession reached the Banrupa Petrol Pump area, bricks and stones were thrown at the procession of hill students by a settler first from the side of a shop called Banrupa Bilas Biponi and later from the roof of the shop, which the people in the rally became furious and began pelting stones at the Bengali settlers and this led to conflict between the students in rally and the Bengali settlers.
Following this, the Bengali settlers made attack and arson at the houses of Jumma people. The Bengali settlers also attacked, vandalized and torched Jumma-doctors’-run Cevron and Medinet Clinic, Jumma-people-run shops in Bijan Sarani area and District Office of the PCJSS. On the other end, they attacked, vandalizd and looted the traditional Maitree Bihar Buddhist temple and pelted stones at Tabalchhari Ananda Bihar Buddhist Temple in Rangamati. The settlers broke the gate of Kathaltali Maitree Bihar and broke the Buddha statues, vandalized and broke and looted the donation box. They looted and taken away 7 numbers of donation boxes, cash amount of BDT 90,00,000 monthly subscription, 10 numbers of metallic Buddha images and laptops. They also pelt stones at the Jumma dwelling houses in Hospital and T&T area.
In Rangamati, the Bengali settlers conducted attack in CHT Regional Council (CHTRC) office and Rest House during which they vandalized and damaged the government asset. During the attack, they set fire in 1 Pick-up, 5 Pajero jeeps, 1 Micro bus, 2 personal vehicles and 1 Pajero jeep and 1 Pick-up of CHT Development Board. Besides, they torched the ground floor of CHTRC Office building. While the CHTRC building was burning, a group of army came and took position at the CHTRC entrance Gate. By then, as the Fire Brigade came to put out the fire, the Bengali settlers standing at the gate prevented the Fire Brigade from extinguishing the fire. They gave permission to the Fire Brigade to put out the fire when everything was burnt to ashes.
During attacks in Banarupa and Kalindipur, 1 Jumma youth was killed while hundred over Jumma people were wounded. It was learnt, of them, 27 wounded are reported to have received medical treatment in the Rangamati general hospital while 25 wounded have received treatment in the Rajbana Bihar hospital. Besides, 28 have had native medical treatment at home. Among the injured, 2 were sent to Chittagong due to serious injuries. Along with vandalism and looting in Maitree Bihar, 24 houses, business establishments and shops of Jumma people were set on fire, vandalized and looted. It is estimated that around BDT 5 crores worth of property was damaged.
The person killed is known as Anik Kumar Chakma (18), s/o Ador Sen Chakma of Noapara village, Moghban Union, Rangamati Sadar Upazila. He was a student of First Year in Karnafuli Government Degree College in Kaptai. He was brutally killed at the hands of Bengali settlers by hitting with the sticks. Following the attacks and arson events, 144 was declared in Rangamati and Khagrachhari.
It is worthy to be mentioned that in the Rangamati Rally held under the banner named: “Anti-Conflict and Anti-Discrimination Hill Students Movement,” the students of sabotage wing of the Anti-Accord UPDF participated – as it has been learnt. When the procession reached at District Education office, the slogan went on: “Implement the CHT Accord – Implement is a must,” in reciprocation, when almost all the students shouted: “Implement is a must!” but the UPDF planted students shouted: “Bhua, Bhua,” which means “Fake, Fake.” When the rally reached Shilpakala Academy, some 200 unknown youth students joined the rally who were unknown – affirmed the Co-coordinators of Anti-Conflict and Anti-Discrimination Hill Students Movement.
On the other hand, as though the scheduled limit was drawn, according to which, the rally was to return back from Deputy Commissioner’s office to Gymnasium premises, the unknown students made the rally go towards Banarupa. As the rally reached Happy Mor, those unknown students gave a hot chase to the Bengali people. On the other side, no sooner the rally reached Petrol Pump of Banarupa, stones were pelt from the roof of the shops and in turn, the unknown students tensed the situation by reciprocation of pelting stones.
ISPR Statement entangling PCP in the incidents:
On 20 September 2024, the ISPR of Bangladesh Army published out a statement entangling the Pahari Chhatra Porishad (PCP) in the communal attacks occurred on 19 September and 20 September 2024 respectively in Khagrachari and Rangamati. On part of the ISPR, an effort was taken through its statement, in a bid, by resorting to mean option to put the responsibility of the events occurred centering the Anti-Conflict and Anti-Discrimination Students Movement upon the PCP.
The PCP expressed strong protest and condemnation against the statement made by the ISPR and 2-day communal attack and arson. In PCP’s protestation, the statement of ISPR was termed as to be a narrative on communal line, irresponsible, one-sighted and provocative. Since, the PCP had involvement in the events by no means and ways. Indeed, the communal attacks were conducted upon the Jumma people by the state machineries with a mean objective and thereby to destabilize the situation of CHT to further extent.
The PCP is in opinion that such communal attacks were organized through ill-activities of the communal quarters just to worsen the CHT situation. During the protest, the PCP demanded to bring the persons involved in the 2-day incidents to the trial immediately and implement the CHT Accord to its full and in appropriate manner.
The incidents of communal attacks and arson of the genre are not new in CHT. Following the signing of the CHT Accord in 1997, altogether 21 communal attacks including the recent communal attack had been conducted under direct patronization of vested elements. The prime target behind these kinds of communal attack is to turn the non-Muslim inhabited CHT into a Muslim-dominant region and to that end, to cripple the economy of the Jumma people, to occupy their lands forcibly, to evict them from their ancestral lands and overall to create terror among the Jumma people.
Here, one more point is to be reckoned that in the ISPR statement of 20 September 2024, it was stated: “… the on-going tensed situation can take a formidable form of riot in the three hill districts…” The statement of ISPR is tantamount to almost an advance articulation of communal riot, which is considered to have been a conspiracy to incite the rioters. The responsible authority like ISPR can never propagate well in advance on “formidable communal riot” in such manner. This propagation may also be treated as to be almost an equivalent to create fear and panic in the mindset of the people.
Needless to be mentioned that there is no any other alternative to political and peaceful solution to the CHT crisis with exception to implementation of the CHT Accord of 1997. The solution key to the crisis lies in the implementation of the CHT Accord. Hence, come on! Join the greater movement for implementation of the Accord irrespective of ages.
Under the given circumstances, PCJSS demands to the Interim Government of Bangladesh includes:
- To take measures for judicial inquiry into communal attacks on September 19-20 in Khagrachari, Dighinala and Rangamati.
- To provide proper compensation and medical treatment to the persons killed and wounded and the affected families, on the part of government.
- To bring the persons involved in the communal attacks in Khagrachari, Dighinal and Rangamati to trial and ensure illustrative punishment.
List of the injured persons in Dighinala Communal attack
- Lenin Chakma (45), son of Buddhajoy Chakma, address- Kamukya Chara, Bowalkhali 2, Dighinala, undergoing treatment at Chitagong Medical College.
- Kelbin Chakma (Nayan Muni) (42), so of late Joti Basu Chakma, address- Milonpur, Khobakhali, Dighinala. Released from Dighinala Sadar Hospital after treatment.
- Sabuj Chakma (24), son of Arun Shanti Chakma, address- Milonpur, Khobakhali, Dighinala. Released from Dighinala Sadar Hospital after taking first Aid.
- Nipan Chakma (Nipu) (56), son of late Bhupendra Bilash Chakma, address- Bowalkhali UP, Dighinala. Released after first aid.
List of the injured in Khagrachari Communal attack
- Jotishar Tripura, son of Manjit Ranjan Tripura, Chelachara, Perachara Union.
- Kiran Tripura, son of Kalenmoy Tripura, Chelachara, Perachara Union.
- Sujan Tripura, son of Sahodeb Tripura, Gomti, Gomti Union
- Sumen Chakma, son of Suresh Chakma, Doyaram Para, Perachara Union
- Ripu Tripura, son of Monishar Tripura, Amrita Para, Gashbagan, Bhaibon Chara Union
- Knowledge Chakma, son of Nikunjoy, Nilakanta para, Perachara, Perachara Union
- Sohel Chakma, son of Samongal Chakma, Nilakanta para, Perachara, Perachara Union
- Anandamoy Chakma, son of late Chandra Kumar Chakma, Nilakanta Para, Perachara, Perachara Union
- Proyash Chakma, son of Noyanmoni Chakma, Nila Kanta Para, Perachara, Perachara Union
- Shubakkon Chakma, son of Sonchoy Chakma, Jamtali, Perachara Union
- Babul Moni Chakma, son off Bir Kumar Chakma, Singinala, Perachara Union
- Bijoy Chakma, son of Kanta Chakma, Doyaram Para, Perachara Union.
- Kong Chakma, son of late Sadhan Bikash Chakma, Headman Para, Perachara Union.
- Klanta Chakma, son of Joy Kumar Chakma, Paulukya para, Perachara Union
- Nantu Chakma, son of unknown, Gashbagan, Boropara, Bhaibonchara Union
- Manob Tripura, son of unknown, Gashbagan, Bhaibon chara Union
- Babu Chakma, son of unknown, Singinala, Perachara
- Pragya Dewan, son of Junan Dewan, Marishya, Bagaichari, Rangamati District
List of the injured in Rangamati settler attacks
(a) The injured taken treatment from Rangamati General Hospital
Sl. | Name | Address |
1 | Pankaj Chakma (35) | Hospital Area |
2 | Arjun Chakma | Manikchari |
3 | Anik Chakma (19) | Noya Adam |
4 | Antika Chakma (31) | Rajbari Area |
5 | Suman Chakma (21) | Champak Nagar |
6 | Prayosi Chakma | Chakra Para |
7 | Patpatya Chakma (13) | Rajbari |
8 | Nikolash Chakma (23) | Kalindipur |
9 | Sadan Chakma (25) | Tribal Adam |
10 | Sushanta | |
11 | Shuba Chakma | |
12 | Kukhumoni Chakma (26) | Vedvedi |
13 | Beroli Chakma (19) | Longudu |
14 | Sanchita Chakma (18) | |
15 | Trisna Marma (24) | |
16 | Khokan Chakma (28) | Kalyanpur |
17 | Klinton Chakma (24) | Biharpur |
18 | Minakshi Chakma | |
19 | Joy Nishan Chakma | Marishya |
20 | Mimaching Marma (28) | |
21 | Sohel (24) | Hospital Area |
22 | Beli Chakma (16) | Asambasti |
23 | Sagar (28) | Tabalchari |
24 | Areva Chakma (19) | Bagaichari |
25 | Joni Chakma (32) | Bagaichari |
26 | Gyanandu Chakma (45) | PTI Area |
27 | Mongal Sona Chakma (21) | TTC Area |
(b) The injured taken treatment at their own residences
Sl. | Name | Address |
1 | Atul Chakma, son of Laskmidhan Chakma | Rangapani, Rangamati |
2 | Khukumoni Chakma | Vedvedi, Rangamati |
3 | 2 Persons from Katachari | |
4 | Ranjan Chakma | Rangapani, Rangamati |
5 | Punya Dhan Chakma | Rajmonipara, Rangamati, His CNG run auto-rikshaw has come under attack |
6 | Rajib Chakma | South Kalindipur, Rangamati |
7 | Sabitra Chakma | Staff, Shevron Health Clinic (pvt.) |
8 | Ranesh | Staff, Shevron Health Clinic (pvt.) |
9 | Wife of Ashapurna | TTC road, Rangamati |
10 | Klinton Chakma, son of Rupayan Chakma | Village- Powa para, Kowkhali Upazila, Rangamati |
11 | Usemong Kyang | Bangalhalia, Rangamati |
12 | Ribash Chakma | Bagaichari |
13 | Venus Chakma son of Nayan Chakma | Rangapani Rangamati |
14 | Kanonmoy Chakma | South Kalindipur, Rangamati |
15 | Lishon Chakma son of Donesh Chakma | Noya Adam, Katachari, Rangamati |
16 | Ripon Chakma son of Shanti Mohan Chakma | Noya Adam, Katachari, Rangamati |
17 | Rintu Chakma | |
18 | Rajib Chakma | |
19 | Rajesh Dewan son of late Asim Dewan | South Kalindipur, Rangamati |
20 | Punya Mohan Chakma son of Sadan Kumar Chakma | Vedvedi, Rangamati |
21 | Krishna Marma daughter of Montu Marma | Vedvedi, Rangamati |
22 | Sanita Chakma daughter of late Satish Kumar Chakma | Village- Bodhpur, Manikchari, Rangamati |
23 | Suman Chakma son of unknown | Village- Chapkia Chara, Shubalong |
24 | Babli Chakma son of Bablu Chakma | Village- Biharpur, Rangamati |
25 | Rimi Chakma daughter of Dibakar Chakma | Tabalchari, Rangamati |
26 | Sento Chakma son of Uttam Kumar Chakma | Village- Bilchara, Barkal, Rangamati |
27 | Mangal Sona Chakma daughter of Bidhya dan Chakma | Village- Burbanya, Barkal, Rangamati |
Besides, around 25 victims took treatment from Rajbana Bihar Hospital
List of affected houses and business establishments of Jumma people in Communal attacks in Rangamati Sadar
- Colonel (Retd) Kirtiranjan Chakma, address- Bijan Sarani, Rangamati. Glasses broken upto 3rd Amount of damage- Taka 2 lakhs.
- Archit Chakma, address- Bijan Sarani, Rangamati. Shop looted and vandalized. Amount of losses- Taka 10 lakhs.
- Apu electronics (shop), address- Bijan Sarani, Rangamati. Glasses of house and shop were broken.
- Pingching (shop), owner- Mongpruchine Marma, Happy Mor, Rangamati, Amount of loss- Taka 35 lakhs.
- Ruma store (shop), Bijan Sarani, Rangamati, Shop vandalized.
- Deva Prasad Chakma, address- South Kalinidipur, Rangamati. Loss- Glasses of building upto 3rd floor were broken, 9 motor cycles burnt and 1 micro car damaged.
- Rupam Dewan, address- South Kalinidipur, Rangamati. Damage- windows glass broken upto 3rd floor of his building, shop looted and set on fire.
- Acheng Rakhine, address- South Kalindipur, Rangamati. Damage- glasses broken upto 2nd floor, clothes shop looted and set on fire. Loss of amount- around Taka 5 lakhs.
- Rusel Store, address- Happy Mor, Rangamati. Looting then arson of shop and storehouse. Loss of amount- Taka 92 lakhs.
- Uday Sankar Chakma, address- Happy Mor, Rangamati, looting then arson of his house. PROGRASSIVE (NGO) office looted and vandalized.
- Shamal Kanti Chakma, address- Happy Mor, Rangamati. Arson looting of 2 shops. 2 houses next to it was set on fire.
- Nari Bibartan (shop), address- Happy Mor, Rangamati. Looting of Photocopy Machine and shop then arson.
- Life Care Pharmacy, address- Banarupa, Rangamati. Arson on the shop
- Chevron Diagnostic Centre, Banarupa, Rangamati. Broken of glasses up to 4th floor, staff beaten, laptop stolen.
- Lumbini Pharmacy, Banarupa, Rangamati, all stored medicine looted along with looting of 2 refrigerators, IPS, Batary, Solar looted and then arson.
- Tea stall of Suman Chakma, Banarupa, Rangamati. Looting and arson
- Ranjuni Cooling Corner, Katapahar, Banarupa, Rangamati. Lose of amount- around taka 2 laths.
- Rahul store, looting and vandalized, loss of amount- taka 3 lakhs.
- Irish Hotel, Katapahar, Rangamati. Looting, vandalized and arson attack. Loss of amount is around 8 lakhs.
- Sushanta Tanchangya, Katapahar, Banarupa, Rangamati. Shop looting and vandalizing. Loss of amount around 3 lakhs.
- Doyamoy Chakma, Katapahar, Banarupa, Rangamati. Shop looting and vandalizing.
- Sabita Chakma, Katapahar, Banarupa, Rangamati. Shop looting and vandalizing.
- Niloy Chakma, Katapahar, Banarupa, Rangamati. Shop looting and vandalizing.
- Maitri Bihar, Kataltali, Rangamati. Gate vandalized, 10 Buddha statues looted and breaking of 5 donation boxes. Broken of furniture, glasses up to 2nd floor 25 fans and looting of 90 thousand taka.
- Pirzoam Pankhoa, s/o Ramnal Kham Pankhoa, Address: North Kalindipur, Damage amount- Tk.13,35,850.
- Suchanda Chakma (55), w/o late Tapel Chakma, her three-storied house was burnt down. Damage amount: Tk 30 lakhs.
- Shyama Chakma, w/o late Debapriya Chakma, her four semi-pacca houses including her living house and three rented houses. All were burnt. Total damage: Tk. 50 lakhs.
- Bijay Chakma (45), s/o late Karunamoy Chakma, their semi-pacca house was burnt down. Damage: Tk. 45 lakhs.
- Jita Chakma, w/o Ananta Bikash Chakma. Their house was burnt. Damage amount: Tk. 40: Lakhs.
- “Shanti Tower” market was set on fire, burning part of the market. Owner: Ketan Chakma, s/o late Shantimoy Chakma. The amount of damage: Tk. 15 lakh rupees.
List of shopkeepers affected by fire at Dighinala Larma square:
S.L No. | Name of the affected house holders and their details | Details of affected shops | Affected property (approximate) |
1 | Samar Bikash Chakma son of Nalini Kumar Chakma, village- College Tila | Tin-shed | 11 lakhs |
2 | Nipun Chakma, son of Bhupen Bilash Chakma, village- college Tila | Two half-walled | 18 lakhs |
3 | Tumuru Chakma son of Amit Chakma, College Tila | Half-walled | 8 lakhs |
4 | Repine Chakma son of Moni Chakma, Joy Kumar Karbari para, Kabakhali | Tin-shed | 7 lakhs |
5 | Idon Chakma son of late Shib Saran Chakma, Kobakhali | Half-walled | 15 lakhs |
6 | Jatin Bikash Chakma son of Sudhir Chandra Chakma, Bolpia Adam, Rangamati | Ton-shed | 8 lakhs |
7 | Amar Jib Chakma son of Nila Kushum Chakma, Milonpur | Do | 7 lakhs |
8 | Dalim Kumar Chakma son of Diganta Chakma, Bolpia Adam | Do | 6 lakhs |
9 | Bikashih Chakma son of Sanjib Chakma, Kamakuchara | 2 half walled | 12 lakhs |
10 | Heven Chakma son of Karunamoy Chakma (Karbari), Banabihar para | Tin-shed | 5 lakhs |
11 | Moni Chakma, son of Mongal Chandra Chakma, Anandamoy School. | Do | Do |
12 | Basuki Chakma, Sadan Chandra Chakma, Kataltoli | Do | 2 lakhs |
13 | Jati Bikash Dewan son of Tejendra Dewan, Narikal Bagan | Do | 5 Lakhs |
14 | Anukul Chakma son of Rajani Kanta Chakma, Bolpia Adam | Do | Do |
15 | Chadak Chakma(Himel) son of Anantasen Chakma | Do | Do |
16 | Bharat Kumar Chakma son of Indrajit Chakma, Bana Bihar Para | Do | Do |
17 | Arun Bikash Chakma, Nila Barna Chakma, College Tila | Do | Do |
18 | Nayana Tripura’s wife of unknown. Larma Square | Do | Do |
19 | Prity Khisa, Larma Square | 2 tin-shed | 10 lakhs |
20 | Mrinal Kanti Chakma, College Tila | Half-walled | 15 lakhs |
21 | Parimal Chakma son of Biraj Mohan Chakma, College Tila | Tin-shed | 7 lakhs |
22 | Rock Hulo Chakma, Shantipur | Do | 5 lakhs |
23 | Ukhileshor Chakma son of Samoresh Chakma, Shantipur | Do | Do |
24 | Sashim Chakma (Parangulo) son of Bindu Kumar Chakma, College Tila | Do | 6 lakhs |
25 | Pradut Bikash son of Basanta Kumar Chakma, Basanta Karbari Para | Do | 7 lakhs |
26 | Amio Kanti Chakma son of Anil Chandra Chakma, Bolpia Adam | Do | Do |
27 | Rekhi Chakma son of Anilmoy Chakma, College Tila | Do | 9 Lakhs |
28 | Pritimoy Chakma son of Gunadhar Chakma, College Tila | Do | 7 Lakhs |
29 | Shobhanika Chakma daughter of late Kinaram Chakma, College Tila | Do | 6 Lakhs |
30 | Sudipta Chakma wife of Aparup Chakma, College Tila | Do | 7 lakhs |
31 | Manika Chakma wife of Shubashis Chakma, College Tila | Do | 8 lakhs |
32 | Bidarshi Chakma son of Sunil Kumar Chakma | Do | Do |
33 | Sohartya Chakma son of Arindam Chakma, Narikel Bagan | Do | 9 lakhs |
34 | Sumit Chakma (Shuli Bap) son of Kamini Ranjan Chakma, College Tila | Do | 8 lakhs |
35 | Loka Prio Dewan son of late Sudhir Chandra Dewan, Bolpia Adam | Do | 7 lakhs |
36 | Beauty Chakma son of Ranjit Chakma, Madya Boyalkhali | Do | 6 lakhs |
37 | Dipan Chakma son of Mana Kumar Chakma, Narikel Bagan, | Do | 45 Lakhs. His shop along with CNG run auto rikshaw burnt |
38 | Anumodarshi Chakma son of Pramod Bikash Chakma, Thana Para | Do | 10 lakhs |
39 | Atish Chakma son of Parimal Chakma, Kobakhali | Do | 5 lakhs |
40 | Sugata Darshi Chakma son of Pramode Bikash Chakma, Thana Para | Do | 10 lakhs |
41 | Rasu Chakma son of late Arun Joy Chakma, Purba Thana Para | 5 Tin-Shed shop | 30 lakhs |
42 | Minoti Chakma wife of Mikel Chakma, Bolpia Adam | Tin-shed | 7 lakhs |
43 | Shantana Chakma wife of Chayon Chakma, Kataltali | 2 Tin-shed | 8 lakhs |
44 | Arun Madab Chakma son of Shubendu Chakma, College Tila | ||
45 | Antu Chakma son of Amit Madab Chakma, College Tila | Tin-shed | 6 lakhs |
46 | Gyanadarshi Chakma (Chiji) son of Suresh Kantai Chakma, Bolpia Adam | Do | Do |
47 | Adison Chakma son of Hemonta Chakma | Tin-shed living house | 6 lakhs. very helpless now |
48 | Sulai Rakhine son of Sujong Rakhine, Larma Square | Tin-shed | 5 lakhs |
49 | Lovely Chakma wife of Pulak Chakma, Kataltoli | 3 Tin-shed | 15 lakhs |
50 | Bimola Prava Chakma wife of Uday Bhasan Chakma, Thana Para | Tin-Shed | 7 lakhs |
51 | Asim Chakma, College Tila | Do | 5 lakhs |
52 | Pravat Kishor Chakma son of Ramesh Chandra Chakma, Nun Chari, GP Para, Babu Para | Do | Do |
53 | Arbin Chakma son of Purnajiban Chakma, Milonpur | Honda | 2 lakhs 60 thousands |
54 | Samar Bikash Chakma son of Gyana Joti Chakma, Uzo Bazar | Honda | 1,25,000/-. Burnt to Ashes |
55 | Naba Ratan Chakma son of Kripamuni Chakma, Kabakhali | Honda | 1,25,000/-. Burnt to Ashes |
56 | Kajal Bikash Chakma son of Niranta Chakma | Honda | 1,25,000/-. Burnt to Ashes |
57 | Alin Chakma son of Shankar Joti Chakma, Marishya | Honda | 1,11,000/- burnt to ashes |
58 | Subagya Chakma son of Laksmi Kumar Chakma, Kalabagan | D0 | 1,25,000/- burnt to ashes |
59 | Sunil Bikash Chakma son of Sunirmal Chakma, Kripapur | Do | 1,25,000/- burnt to ashes |
60 | Kripayan Tripura son of Sunil Kanti Tripura, Jamtali | Do | 1,25,000/- burnt to ashes |
61 | Ramesh Chakma, son of Bharat Chandra Chakma, College Tila | Do | 1,65,000/- burnt to ashes |
62 | Kripa Shanti Chakma son of Ananda Bilash Chakma, Narikel Bagan | Do | 1,25,000/- burnt to ashes |
63 | Parantu Chakma son of Ashatama Chakma, Pulin Headman Para | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,25,000/- burnt to ashes |
64 | Evan Chakma son of Sujan Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
65 | Binoy Chakma, son of Kamini Kumar Chakma, | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
66 | Bidhya Sagar Chakma son of Gunajoti Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
67 | Sumanta Chakma son of Ali Chandra Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
68 | Priotom Chakma son of Subahu Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
69 | Himel Chakma son of Subahu Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
70 | Suprakash Chakma son of Rabi Lal Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
71 | Gyanamoy Chakma son of Namajoy Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
72 | Rahim Chakma son of Rabindra Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/-, Vandalised |
73 | Pranabesh Chakma son of Kanak Ranjan Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 1,25,000/-, and Vandalised |
74 | Barun Tripura | CNG-run Autorickshaw | 2,50,000/- and Vandalised |
75 | Dipan Chakma son of Mona Kumar Chakma | CNG-run Autorickshaw | Taks 7 lakhs burnt to ashes |
76 | Rasu Chakma son of Arunjoy Chakma, Purba Thana Para |
Motor Cycle |
2,50,000/-burnt to ashes |
Report on Communal Attacks in Khagrachari, Dighinala and Rangamati on 18, 19 and 20 September 2024
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